SDG’S 2024

Analysing the overall objectives of the Mareblù Residence to reduce environmental impact and plastic consumption, we can identify some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to which this initiative contributes.

Relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

SDG 3 Health and well-being

• Access to safe and clean drinking water for employees promotes their physical well-being and health.

SDG 5 Gender equality

• If the free water supply programme is equally accessible to all employees, regardless of gender, it contributes to promoting gender equality.

SDG 6 - Clean water and sanitation

• Through the installation of the water purifier, Residence Mareblù aims to ensure access to clean water for its guests by reducing the consumption of plastic bottles.

SDG 10 - Reducing inequalities

• By providing free water to employees, regardless of their status, Residence Mareblù reduces potential inequalities within its organisation.

SDG 12 - Responsible consumption and production

• The gamification programme encourages more sustainable behaviour by guests, promoting responsible consumption and the reduction of plastic waste. • The focus on the use of local and organic products in catering is part of this goal.

SDG 13 - Combating climate change

• Reducing the carbon footprint from reduced plastic consumption contributes to efforts to combat climate change. • Reducing the carbon footprint for supply

SDG 14 - Life under water

• By reducing plastic pollution, Mareblù Residence indirectly contributes to the protection of marine ecosystems.

SDG 15 - Life on Earth

• The preservation of the surrounding natural environment, such as pine forests, is part of this goal to protect terrestrial ecosystems.

Discover Our Commitment to Sustainability

Residence Mareblù
Via dello Storione, 73/75 - 58100 Principina a Mare (GR) - Italy
Proprietà STES S.r.l. - Piazzale Cosimini, 17 - Grosseto (GR)

+39 328 906 5771


P.I. 00213740533


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